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    Manager Points Team
AL3X1NH0 5 200 AC Rimini 1912™ offline
aliceri 23 850 Jajce offline
braulio 24 690 Cofimvaba offline
carloscarizzo 55 720 God's Warriors FCI Tábor offline
Gazda 20 475 Queniquea offline
Ghost332211 261 285 Dortmund Wolverines offline
giorgos21a33w 33 315 Imizu offline
HONZULA 1 112 340 FCB Port Augusta 1922 offline
Jurajko7 9 840 Quilbor offline
Milanek14 1 171 762 1. FC Žejdlík Benešov offline
millos76 1 132 597 FC Omonia Nikózia offline
pety1368 602 170 PH Maséři Milevsko offline
s.b 22 525 El Estero offline
S.F.C. 1 173 137 SFC All Stars Coro offline
TomasZA 351 315 Maracay Yellow Green offline
truly01 35 875 Boksburg offline