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    Manager Points Team
dedko686 395 561 FK TREBISOV CITY offline
JanBarton 36 400 Dlžín offline
Kamil6159 266 090 Dešenice offline
maronko 279 097 Biskupice offline
Masielko27 61 980 FK Veľký Šariš offline
NeoVenator 60 Portici offline 26 275 Vila Franca offline
Raul Gonzalez Blanco 8 210 Borussia Dortmund 09 offline
roomanoo 228 560 Kajal a KLAPZUBOVA 11 offline
soul55 30 970 Sazdice offline
šimon1111 871 279 AC Milan offline
Tomson79 92 389 F.C. Santovka 2014 offline
torpeddd 33 375 Petrovce B offline
vini 38 440 Blatná na Ostrove offline
zanna 322 635 Msk Majo Humenne offline
zztop 32 175 Suchohrad offline