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    Manager Points Team 4 785 Newark offline
danielxjncnf 17 485 Naspe offline
dudo6 272 084 Race offline
Ester 27 440 Chilliwack offline
francek 356 808 Austria Vídeň offline
Johansonka1997 100 494 Seňa offline
K.r.x.t 18 310 Grimsby Eagles offline
kaka44 16 585 Liverpool FC offline
koloman12121 37 085 Vyškov City offline
LorDgw 24 890 Lerwick offline
Marcelo cbf 8 310 1. FSV Mainz 05 offline
Miamama 4 195 Krasnoarmiisk offline
miska891 9 990 Tomášovce offline
pichy 169 978 Luton offline
siyam 435 Ostroh offline
TomasX 267 532 FC Liverpool™ offline