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    Manager Points Team
Adamou 13 755 Everett offline
attilax 1 173 734 Újbudai Meteor offline
Danlopi 36 015 Monoszló offline
denis12303 22 770 Balassagyarmat offline
Janika37 570 370 Brondby IF A offline
Jardo_19890 25 025 Wisla Kraków SA™ offline 22 080 Delnice offline
marcoslb33 33 115 Pereked offline 11 485 Zapala offline
oehely 214 126 Dunakanyar Vác FC offline
Patrik_58967 37 080 Sámsonháza offline
Sharks51 20 195 APOEL offline
stacy. toptier 2 630 Villena offline 1 405 Zalaszentmárton offline
WaterQo 21 575 Fonyód offline
zsadpepp 598 538 Palesti of Rettegett Iván offline