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    Manager Points Team
Adamou 14 665 Everett offline
attilax 1 213 704 Újbudai Meteor offline
denis12303 23 920 Balassagyarmat offline
Dolezalik 7 010 FC Nec Brno ® offline
gybggg 19 615 Ferencvárosi TC offline
Hattnik 193 241 Randers FC offline
herozero000 34 650 Putnok offline 22 975 Delnice offline 14 035 AC HORSENS offline
NeutraliXT 7 450 FC YaGunnersYa Steni offline
oehely 222 121 Dunakanyar Vác FC offline
redouane 13 255 FC Spartak Pov. Bystrica offline
szaszkvacs 424 406 Ruvo del Monte offline
viitass 34 950 Bodroghalom offline
walery 15 260 Cerrillos offline
WaterQo 22 965 Fonyód offline