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    Manager Points Team
Adamou 14 735 Everett offline
atmani 14 520 Kercseliget offline
attilax 1 220 239 Újbudai Meteor offline
denis12303 24 090 Balassagyarmat offline
Dolezalik 7 520 FC Nec Brno ® offline
fikusz 326 688 St. Catharines offline
gybggg 19 695 Ferencvárosi TC offline
Hattnik 194 201 Randers FC offline 23 145 Delnice offline
jozko katrinak 31 450 Zaprešić offline 14 445 AC HORSENS offline
leordanis 11 165 Tiborszállás offline
redouane 13 555 FC Spartak Pov. Bystrica offline
stacy. toptier 4 705 Villena offline
Ször Alex 748 605 FC Liégeois 1892 offline
WaterQo 23 175 Fonyód offline