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    Manager Points Team
Adamou 14 665 Everett offline
attilax 1 212 654 Újbudai Meteor offline
denis12303 23 870 Balassagyarmat offline
elyor 27 955 Cerignola offline
fikusz 325 998 St. Catharines offline
gybggg 19 615 Ferencvárosi TC offline
Hattnik 193 096 Randers FC offline
jozko katrinak 31 190 Zaprešić offline 14 025 AC HORSENS offline
leordanis 10 965 Tiborszállás offline
Medellin colombia*** 3 220 Colonia del Sacramento offline
oehely 222 056 Dunakanyar Vác FC offline
szaszkvacs 424 341 Ruvo del Monte offline
Ször Alex 743 690 FC Liégeois 1892 offline
ToTTy_Som 225 020 Fonó offline
WaterQo 22 965 Fonyód offline