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    Manager Points Team
_84371 20 740 Teesdale offline
1kony1 258 865 Everton offline
atmani 14 220 Kercseliget offline
attilax 1 212 654 Újbudai Meteor offline
csakimario123 151 724 CR Flamengo offline
denis12303 23 870 Balassagyarmat offline
dzsozé murinnyó jr. 1 148 185 Roasso Kumamoto offline
Hattnik 193 096 Randers FC offline
Janika37 586 100 Brondby IF A offline
kdjk 9 930 Arsenal F. C. Pécs offline
miska891 9 780 Tomášovce offline
pedro cordero 22 505 Drnholec offline
szaszkvacs 424 341 Ruvo del Monte offline
Ször Alex 743 690 FC Liégeois 1892 offline
WaterQo 22 965 Fonyód offline
zsadpepp 603 758 Palesti of Rettegett Iván offline