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    Manager Points Team
alfi73 1 602 450 San Vitaliano offline
alfi7333 166 155 Sinaloa - Mazatlan offline
Arsen 887 445 Manchester UFC offline
attilax 1 210 369 Újbudai Meteor offline
dzsozé murinnyó jr. 1 144 970 Roasso Kumamoto offline 150 Goathland offline
jozko891 9 485 Csabacsűd offline
lesný duch 1 459 075 Macarani offline
marco102 1 570 865 Brighton FC offline
Mikautadze 1 915 SK Deportivo Bratislava offline
Petooo17 100 636 Los Alcázares CF offline
red17 141 235 1.FK Soči™ offline
šimon1111 870 284 AC Milan offline 11 240 Acsa offline
wiias 10 485 Palizzi offline
zay123$ 11 795 Tczew offline