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    Manager Points Team
alfi73 1 611 395 General Salgado offline
alfi7333 172 605 Sinaloa - Mazatlan offline
Arsen 905 950 Manchester UFC offline
Bronek29 271 216 Torpedo Hoffenheim offline
cygi808 141 595 Rankweil offline
dzsozé murinnyó jr. 1 156 740 Roasso Kumamoto offline
elias17 635 Durazzano offline 10 230 Düsseldorf offline
Fkdemjata 8 645 Deneia offline
jirax 4 545 Halle offline
lesný duch 1 474 275 Macarani offline
Margita 78 615 Gaz Metan™ offline
Patres67 81 085 FC Bayern DO Munchen offline
RUDO23 15 300 Udsholt Strand offline
Svetlyneon 1 275 FC REXON MOST offline
TKS 109 845 FC Hansa Rostock offline