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The tournament is played for a real valuable prize. It is:
UMBRO Spartan M

After the tournament the prize is automatically delivered to the winner to the address in his registration profile.

Date / Time State Teams Visitors
Round: 15
08/11/2024 21:151-0Budaörs - Vlastiboř 25 477 
08/11/2024 21:150-1AEK Athens - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin26 816 
08/11/2024 21:151-2FK Partizan Belehrad - FK Jablonec 37 480 
08/11/2024 21:153-1Luneville - Vajcpiakos10 675 
Round: 14
05/11/2024 21:154-4Vajcpiakos - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin12 923 
05/11/2024 21:152-2Vlastiboř - FK Partizan Belehrad8 161 
05/11/2024 21:154-0FK Jablonec - AEK Athens38 094 
05/11/2024 21:151-3Luneville - Budaörs10 531 
Round: 13
01/11/2024 21:150-3CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - FK Jablonec 19 089 
01/11/2024 21:154-3Budaörs - Vajcpiakos17 970 
01/11/2024 21:150-2AEK Athens - Vlastiboř 28 235 
01/11/2024 21:154-3FK Partizan Belehrad - Luneville31 455 
Round: 12
29/10/2024 21:151-2Budaörs - FK Partizan Belehrad18 105 
29/10/2024 21:150-5Vajcpiakos - FK Jablonec 10 940 
29/10/2024 21:150-1Vlastiboř - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin8 015 
29/10/2024 21:151-1Luneville - AEK Athens17 557 
Round: 11
25/10/2024 21:153-0CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - Luneville21 058 
25/10/2024 21:150-3Vajcpiakos - FK Partizan Belehrad10 871 
25/10/2024 21:150-5AEK Athens - Budaörs32 895 
25/10/2024 21:151-1FK Jablonec - Vlastiboř 44 422 
Round: 10
22/10/2024 21:151-0Budaörs - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin15 718 
22/10/2024 21:154-1Vlastiboř - Vajcpiakos7 921 
22/10/2024 21:153-1FK Partizan Belehrad - AEK Athens26 196 
22/10/2024 21:150-4Luneville - FK Jablonec 16 019 
Round: 8
15/10/2024 21:152-3CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - FK Partizan Belehrad18 130 
15/10/2024 21:150-3Vajcpiakos - AEK Athens12 038 
15/10/2024 21:154-1Vlastiboř - Luneville9 763 
15/10/2024 21:151-1FK Jablonec - Budaörs43 214 
Round: 7
11/10/2024 21:151-2Budaörs - FK Jablonec 23 108 
11/10/2024 21:153-0AEK Athens - Vajcpiakos51 861 
11/10/2024 21:153-1FK Partizan Belehrad - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin46 975 
11/10/2024 21:150-2Luneville - Vlastiboř 12 904 
Round: 6
08/10/2024 21:150-0CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - AEK Athens22 620 
08/10/2024 21:150-2Vajcpiakos - Luneville16 215 
08/10/2024 21:153-1Vlastiboř - Budaörs9 608 
08/10/2024 21:152-1FK Jablonec - FK Partizan Belehrad47 068 
Round: 5
04/10/2024 21:152-1CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - Vajcpiakos21 801 
04/10/2024 21:155-0Budaörs - Luneville23 146 
04/10/2024 21:151-1AEK Athens - FK Jablonec 54 787 
04/10/2024 21:152-1FK Partizan Belehrad - Vlastiboř 30 589 
Round: 4
01/10/2024 21:151-3Vajcpiakos - Budaörs19 505 
01/10/2024 21:152-1Vlastiboř - AEK Athens12 436 
01/10/2024 21:154-0FK Jablonec - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin46 085 
01/10/2024 21:150-4Luneville - FK Partizan Belehrad9 282 
Round: 3
27/09/2024 21:150-1CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - Vlastiboř 25 727 
27/09/2024 21:155-0AEK Athens - Luneville55 397 
27/09/2024 21:153-0FK Partizan Belehrad - Budaörs44 429 
27/09/2024 21:154-0FK Jablonec - Vajcpiakos46 104 
Round: 2
24/09/2024 21:152-0Budaörs - AEK Athens16 765 
24/09/2024 21:150-3Vlastiboř - FK Jablonec 13 053 
24/09/2024 21:153-0FK Partizan Belehrad - Vajcpiakos41 412 
24/09/2024 21:151-2Luneville - CFC Hertha 06 Berlin17 440 
Round: 1
20/09/2024 21:150-4CFC Hertha 06 Berlin - Budaörs16 716 
20/09/2024 21:151-3Vajcpiakos - Vlastiboř 21 145 
20/09/2024 21:151-4AEK Athens - FK Partizan Belehrad52 200 
20/09/2024 21:153-0FK Jablonec - Luneville47 840