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The tournament is played for a real valuable prize. It is:
Uhlsport L

After the tournament the prize is automatically delivered to the winner to the address in his registration profile.

    Manager Points Team
191182 33 775 Atletico La Paz offline
Barbar1712 46 770 TJ Sokol Bílavsko offline
Duri71 76 660 FC Alpines Melano offline
girony 21 765 1. FC UNION Berlin offline
iwks 56 010 FK Dukla VKŽKV a.s. offline
Jakooooooooo 94 643 FC Sutton United offline
Jakub2016 25 645 Caerphilly offline
JamesTrnka 183 529 TJ Sokol Tvarožná offline
jnovj 477 868 Everton FC offline
Kouman 180 935 Teplická Stínadla offline
Niki198C 27 650 MTK Budapešť offline
Ondra2024 31 910 Bray A offline
peto103 37 565 Annaburg offline
Petox @3 47 100 AC Sparta Praha 17 offline
Šimon2023 77 025 Sigma Olomouc offline
špion 104 500 AC Sesto Rondo offline
Teky198 855 529 Atella offline
triton 489 278 Stalingrad offline
Venger 4 865 Excelsior offline
vladko2005 278 935 1. FC VYŠNÁ SITNICA offline