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    Manager Points Team
133 7 350 Oksboll offline 9 300 Buharkent offline
Antoni 6 045 Baumgarten offline
kikof2402 94 190 FK Safi Kouvola offline
linko 31 010 Hermagor offline
Lukino_SZ 35 655 Hontianske Tesáre offline
Miso2 8 310 FC Lazy offline
Mišo(Ch.P.) 83 460 Třešovice offline
norbika120 40 295 Juan Antonio Artigas offline
Patrik Čonka 110 325 Vitín offline
Poli17 125 210 Červeňany offline
Slondi 128 385 Sluštice offline
thidk 38 015 Wavre offline
vgcd98 2 685 Tembisa offline
vilakham 3 760 Twente offline
walqez4 60 Košice Iron Ravens offline