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    Manager Points Team
_82205 21 665 Lancy offline
3macko3 234 584 TJ Prefa Veľké Leváre offline 35 075 Kalinkovo offline
Erik72 7 135 Levanger offline
Hrochup 98 535 Loreto offline
Kamil245 261 077 FC Ličartovce offline
koníkkony 38 490 Nižný Orlík offline
marianko9 511 489 U.S. Avellino Dragons offline
mata66 28 130 Congorocho offline
norbika120 39 505 Juan Antonio Artigas offline
sommer66 24 435 Versoix offline
Swejty777 103 910 Hermanovce Nad Topľou offline
tillhardbottle 40 735 Artiče offline
Toufar 7 920 Imatra offline
Vojcik 27 255 Lausanne offline
zimanyek 20 900 Rothrist offline