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    Manager Points Team
33michal33 99 020 Huixtan offline
ADAM PLACHĂť 9 265 Valerenga offline
aliceri 22 860 Jajce offline
carbon12 24 455 Olary offline
Cordeiro18 19 445 Nin offline
Evelajn 28 625 Meteor Levice offline 8 195 Gualeguay offline
Kannabisz 50 135 Rebecq offline
MajoZA 393 146 Feyenoord Rotterdam™ offline
martin2002 16 150 Bendigo offline
MDMDKD 12 800 Orlando offline
Raky 136 179 Ascoli offline
S.F.C. 1 093 542 SFC All Stars Coro offline
Szécsike 39 630 Maicao offline
thorrusnak 23 395 Muswellbrook offline
zulus25 17 520 San Pedro offline