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    Manager Points Team
Ad_On 35 460 Gryf Słupsk offline
Blackriders 92 713 Slavia Praha Blackriders offline
Dada Mach 112 160 Brandýsek offline
Hubert6121 37 360 RSC Anderlecht offline
Christopher Mbindo 14 235 FC Verva Litvínov offline
igor_ 44 400 Viljen offline 18 300 Macaiba offline
j0a0c0k0 30 745 SK Opařany Řepeč offline
JGŠ95 91 780 Doľany offline
lenka546 11 050 Laureles offline
Martin2887 6 565 Lierse offline
Nedy 207 380 RIO GRANDE NEDY offline
Pelayo 23 710 Santa Cruz da Graciosa offline
RONALDO1996 79 390 Čichalov offline 41 615 Česká Skalice offline
zozo 78 600 Dabas offline