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    Manager Points Team
Alan W Alan 258 936 Slovan Bratislava ­ offline
Ashwinie 1 025 Rakovski offline
cradle 37 130 Cairnbulg offline
diegooo 32 370 Jablonec II offline
Figuslav13 12 505 ORZEŁ PARYSÓW Krk offline
J0E84 795 Appleby offline
jithu 5 615 LFC Patriots offline
Karlos87 115 845 Slověnice offline
Klos 130 385 Lásenice offline
Marcos_18970 37 640 Mezőtúr offline
michaelbrito 38 200 La Guardia offline
SCHULLLO 20 395 Fruering offline
Trevik 104 305 Bratříkovice offline
Xaromx 34 080 Jičina sport klub offline
yuli bibiana 24 275 Bloemhof offline
ZlatanSvK 65 590 FK Partizan Belehrad offline