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    Manager Points Team
asxciw 29 290 Ivanovce offline
BLUFF 361 180 FK Iskra Nováky offline
diamond 1 862 180 Huracan offline
GreenLemon003 65 000 FC Pro Vercelli 1892 offline 37 135 Kielce offline
janka 713 510 Club Sporting Cristal S.A offline
jus 30 675 Donzhausen offline
michaelmui 8 590 Vladslo offline
normando 163 720 Jánd offline 36 445 Juskova Voľa offline
Poncho 3 542 346 Valur Reykjavík offline
Škubec 120 005 Budislav offline
tyleramirwallace 3 405 Krtíš offline
UrbànFlórián 150 Saas Valley offline 16 930 Chester offline
ZlatanSvK 68 295 FK Partizan Belehrad offline