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Adrian Cin 4 205 Echuca-Moama offline 11 020 Calydon offline
Akinfenwa 18 360 Chudovo offline
deflorman1 225 205 Suruc offline
Domec2010 16 525 Bezdružice offline
echojul 4 990 Basildon offline
futbalista02 13 535 Llanelli offline
karbanik001 1 144 290 FC Bizana offline
kukacuk 680 Dačice Monsters offline
lukokik 20 555 Armeško offline
m9mok 1 690 B Istanbul offline
marianko9 511 489 U.S. Avellino Dragons offline
Petox @ 53 805 Bad Ischl offline
svabcuk 1 817 472 Karlsruhe offline
tajpan21 149 722 TV Waal offline
Terka99 78 920 FC Stars Dalvik offline