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    Manager Points Team
ado1210 204 528 Olympique de Marseille A offline
braian 33 565 Lipec offline
bravčiak 7 545 Menno Colony offline
diamond2 1 428 130 Uruguay Montevideo offline
Fero_SVK 74 655 Slovenská Volová offline
jesterka 213 565 AC PESCARA MIKE offline
jfzfsbvcf 2 755 Pesche offline
keinstanley 33 805 Vagrinec offline
ludovit90 443 941 FK Močenok offline
maradics69 37 030 Tepexpan offline
Nakirun 33 17 205 Veľké Chyndice offline
neger9 100 870 Poproč offline
Shasven Raaj 2 330 Aston Villa FC offline
Slovák" 24 085 MŠK Žilina" offline
taylorr 636 430 Arnemuiden offline
trex 13 390 Zelenokumsk offline