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adko7809 31 210 Cabimas offline
bartekw93 44 255 Raufoss offline
dadam lahm 37 365 Halič offline
daro24 36 773 Skalbmierz offline
Christopher Mbindo 13 985 FC Verva Litvínov offline
kubimessi10 48 450 Kutná Hora offline
maradics69 37 090 Tepexpan offline
Marcel123 759 260 STAVIVA HUMENNE offline
Ortalion1908 14 780 Schwechat offline
profik2 131 996 tatran prešov offline
salat120 36 580 Braňany offline
smensson 37 475 Dolores offline
tempy18 20 450 FC HARDCORE DEBAKEL offline
trevpr21 44 190 Tuchlovice offline
waldekcisowa1 461 820 Cisowa RKDVC Drunen offline
YGHHGTGHFGHYTWBGFTRFRY 16 700 Walenstadt offline