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    Manager Points Team
bradlo1 135 615 Priepasné offline
Fero_SVK 75 355 Slovenská Volová offline
Cheryl 825 Illintsi offline
jinoper 29 335 Slough offline
Jose72 25 285 Iguala offline
jozkoP 24 960 Chrťany offline
LorDgw 24 530 Lerwick offline
Martin 123 2 770 Ankara offline
MIRIAMASOM 1 320 Anjou offline
Misiak90 18 980 Swansea offline
Naig 45 810 Horní Vltavice offline
sage 2 040 Wolmaransstad offline
Sergante 31 410 Queens Park offline
Sevcenko81 47 710 Laškovce offline
Shasven Raaj 2 420 Aston Villa FC offline
لياس 12 885 Šavnik offline