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    Manager Points Team
carbon12 24 555 Olary offline
Fcgracia 12 075 Loutraki offline
Fero_SVK 75 805 Slovenská Volová offline
francek3 16 270 Rudnya offline
Hrochup 100 595 Loreto offline
janko89 11 065 FC Dundee United offline
k9kot345 1 375 Murcia offline
MajoZA 3 52 250 Calcio Padova offline
marco102 1 583 620 Brighton FC offline
MIRIAMASOM 1 805 Anjou offline
normando 163 720 Jánd offline
Paweł89 35 660 FC Hôrka offline
Peter7CZ 13 725 Kasimpasa offline
SCHULLLO 20 755 Fruering offline
vini23 39 405 Loucká offline
zdenda00 37 040 Bukovka offline