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    Manager Points Team
Czeczenia 39 280 Bolu offline
easton25 28 235 Easton offline
erik-98 129 755 Krásná Ves offline
Filip Kohout 39 040 Tongeren offline
Hrochup 100 595 Loreto offline
CHAOS 13 550 AC MsP SNV offline
Christopher Mbindo 14 505 FC Verva Litvínov offline
lukinek123 134 205 Ujkovice offline
Martin 123 3 240 Ankara offline
Naig 46 260 Horní Vltavice offline
norbika120 40 920 Juan Antonio Artigas offline
normando 163 720 Jánd offline
Paweł89 35 660 FC Hôrka offline
pepa1 38 120 Pavlov offline
Syczu07 28 625 Nižná Jedľová offline
vini23 39 405 Loucká offline