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    Manager Points Team
nk;hggj;;dfg 19 840 GC offline
carbon12 24 455 Olary offline
Fero_SVK 75 355 Slovenská Volová offline
ikera1 77 167 Nemešany offline 5 230 San Ignacio offline
KØSŤƠ 2 925 Slávia Naestved offline
kempokid 112 080 Tottori offline
khedr.abdelfattah 21 165 Zimnicea offline
Lakes91 4 180 Cheltenham offline
maki255 130 645 Bayern II offline
Marhatt 110 535 SSC Marhatt Lublin offline
Rudy78 41 415 Saga offline
samo1701 119 345 Vibo Valentia offline
seky30 213 078 ŠK Futura Humenné offline
Stoneface1975 119 810 Ulvila offline
ZlatanSvK 65 420 FK Partizan Belehrad online