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    Manager Points Team
bahnik44 106 725 Kosorín offline
dadam lahm 37 365 Halič offline
Fero_SVK 74 835 Slovenská Volová offline
hona8 38 330 Sybaris offline
Hrochup 99 365 Loreto offline
jay-ice 36 825 Štefanová offline
JeduBomby 36 665 Oldřichov offline
Maaati 2 940 Valandovo offline
Marek 555 85 385 Dyjákovice offline
MITRO 52 735 Valtice offline 36 075 Juskova Voľa offline
Opata 10 910 Wittenberge offline
Shasven Raaj 2 330 Aston Villa FC offline
tegecko 38 850 Archidona offline
tehelne pole 118 940 Niederstetten offline
TheJ4chym16 98 045 Komjatná offline