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    Manager Points Team
_82205 21 165 Lancy offline
Adriana_85117 22 930 Veľké Dvorníky offline
begypenz 87 354 Líšná offline
berreh 79 890 Vérmező offline
Branko1011 7 710 Albany offline
diego 536 690 NK Dragovoljac offline
jupo57 1 207 509 FC Old boys Kyjev online
kukas 34 780 Haniska offline
milanusko 36 590 Zalužice offline
Pudlik7 130 265 Kuopio B offline
RobinVanPersie 12 725 Nelson offline
seba2605 571 580 RBC AVANOS offline
speedoo 510 150 CF Calella offline
tgfg 35 485 Szeged B offline
ThePowerSwK 115 120 Ľubotice offline
Tomiiino 28 100 Stráža offline