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    Manager Points Team 14 900 Vancouver Whitecaps FC offline
beda74 27 080 Lousa offline
bora13 44 035 Krásno offline 770 Parma FC offline
Famitto 21 350 Avanca offline
Jára Cimrman 52 405 FC Durban offline
Kamkulinek15 84 275 SK Kvedlačky Neumětely offline
karabuk7861 40 200 Montmorency offline
Kimusko123 14 500 Cugir offline
Marcelo_74828 55 285 Torres Vedras offline
marco102 1 570 865 Brighton FC offline
pdbobr 104 775 Lesůňky offline
Perenospora 18 405 Tacuarembó offline
polipo 39 135 Villa Rica offline
Rrrdfgf 2 370 AGF Aarhus offline
ThePowerSwK 117 700 Ľubotice offline