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    Manager Points Team
247333 19 825 Pulaxi offline
Berrigan 119 605 Hostětice offline
f.to9rress 117 925 AC Sparta Praha C offline
fchvcb 3 585 Heubach offline
hura23 2 005 FK ETAR Veliko Tarnovo offline
joe1116 42 810 Košetice offline
jupo57 1 223 024 FC Old boys Kyjev offline
kubas001 95 644 Úbislavice offline
Marek_97380 112 545 Svojšice offline
Martin1712 38 110 Praia offline
mato10 84 157 TJ Sobotiste offline
Orech 78 770 Archlebov offline
roman10 19 620 Ovča offline
sasu8 130 310 Stebno offline
sep99 620 325 Družstevník Hostěradice offline
Stoneface1975 120 290 Ulvila offline