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    Manager Points Team
amedli 33 365 Vojtatina offline
Appiah tuga 3 520 SSC Hatt.Salamanca offline
iyan 38 080 Želiv offline
jakoubíček5 133 450 Olšany offline
JeduBomby 36 925 Oldřichov offline
koocoo2309 19 405 Zbrašín offline
luongo123 34 585 Trebichava offline 12 235 Wichita offline
Marasek20 35 705 Vallegrande offline
Marmara 195 Wittenberge offline
Miklas777 18 345 Krišľovce offline
milán781234578 114 165 Weißensee offline
Mukin 24 250 Long Melford offline
panjang 36 075 Osádka offline
Rimadu 14 695 FC Tatra Kopřivnice offline
Steanly87 112 500 Průhonice offline