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    Manager Points Team
amac1995 37 645 Nantes offline
amedli 33 365 Vojtatina offline
Appiah tuga 3 520 SSC Hatt.Salamanca offline 3 140 MKS WRZOS offline
Belase tornado 131 575 šk zeleneč offline
Hocik 23 810 Virpazar offline
hocikto1 53 485 TJ Unie Hlubina offline
Hrochup 100 105 Loreto offline
iyan 38 080 Želiv offline
jakoubíček5 133 450 Olšany offline
kamilko 249 570 AP Brera Strumica offline
mamusia 28 940 Grevena offline
MikePancir 117 970 Srby offline
okulasa 27 550 Caen offline
sedlpetas 257 777 FK Demjata offline
stefan5154 116 615 Gudensberg offline