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    Manager Points Team
Alabaj 20 160 Antonovo offline
andy65 224 180 Wolkenstein offline
audi17 25 615 Lüneburg offline
cimbal 128 250 FC Inacovce offline
Danlopi 36 975 Monoszló offline 2 300 Teramo offline
itseraldo 13 400 Łask offline
jerry007 789 545 FC Baník St. Albert offline
ludovit90 443 941 FK Močenok offline
şspsğ 9 505 Frederiksvaerk offline
milán781234578 113 075 Weißensee offline
mirek31071977 1 356 203 1.FC Turbo Kremmen offline
Oliver_Kahn 125 000 Lünen offline
Sherifff 42 415 Alestrup offline
schneiderpe 30 735 Alhambra offline
Slovák" 24 085 MŠK Žilina" offline