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    Manager Points Team
alemao22 117 885 Takaoka offline
AndreasS 2 450 Agia marina chrysochous offline
Barus85 28 319 Nové Zámky offline
itseraldo 13 610 Łask offline
k.dani11 33 060 Šamudovce offline
Lipaq 19 875 Watford FC 17 ™ offline
Lugshar 142 775 Weil am Rhein offline
Lukas_64036 24 680 Salinopolis offline
Lukino_SZ 35 655 Hontianske Tesáre offline
matys99 71 167 FC Banik Ostrava offline
Micu 30 960 Zbojné offline
Mirajuan 40 105 Kamień krajeński offline
nahu frausto 26 055 Boulder offline
qqqqqw 11 370 Uroża offline
Roland_36821 24 830 Murrieta offline
RUDO23 14 900 Udsholt Strand offline