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    Manager Points Team
aleks87 37 065 Kharovsk offline
Aspiren 36 620 Kowalowa offline
bcstyl 36 820 Casacalenda offline
Diaul 33 585 Torre Orsaia offline
kebab555 98 670 AS Imperia offline
kotys07 14 210 Międzyrzec podl. offline
Marci96 3 055 Kizielewszczyzna offline
oeksirkd 3 710 Matera offline
olonika 235 571 Chelsea FC London offline
polska393 40 410 Hoei offline
Radmilko11 466 200 Houston Dynamo offline 17 965 Kartal offline
Rendz 95 877 Herstal offline
thiere 91 640 Beaumont offline
Vollelbay 81 040 Świeryż-Doły offline
Westsideman 122 825 Antwerpen offline