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    Manager Points Team
Alabaj 19 410 Antonovo offline
ao369963 43 785 Waki offline 1 675 Liverpool Academy offline
fenriz 3 962 511 Vinkovci offline
Jakub1809 8 410 Saarbrücken offline
ketka 33 175 Amphicleia offline 31 570 Italica offline
Mamufafulin 22 165 Nezdice na Šumavě offline
mamusia 27 165 Grevena offline
marco102 1 526 260 Brighton FC offline
mati20010102 38 970 Petrovce offline
nation1111 34 260 Collegno offline
Rimadu 12 935 FC Tatra Kopřivnice offline
Sniper29 21 580 Ardesen offline
Wesley Gomes wg 7 110 Delmiro Gouveia offline
? ????? 5 790 Rosengard United offline