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    Manager Points Team
adam357 25 920 FC Hlinné offline
ariehl 39 810 Elne offline
balonik4132 42 935 Krasíkovice offline
fabio729 656 25 725 Bottrop offline
fcjusaj 13 885 Mineros FC offline
heker 435 100 Real Zaragoza offline
marcelpetriksk 47 060 Catia La Mar offline
myssa 155 195 ACS Shakhtar Jičín offline
myzsak 140 640 AC Sparta Radim offline
Niemand 508 628 Břvany offline
Pietro Marek 23 725 Ternopil offline
robo6 35 410 Vranová offline
romsat 188 575 TJ Slavia Píšť offline
Turajs 59 870 Fk Lázně Bělohrad offline 36 820 Borovany offline
zRaya 6 830 Real Bloemfontein CF offline