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    Manager Points Team
Adam Slizewski 3 295 Skudeneshavn offline
adko7809 31 590 Cabimas offline
ado1210 206 153 Olympique de Marseille A offline
bapepekba 37 665 Veľké Zlievce offline
daviderer 44 055 Gamagori offline
derton 19 615 Fyti offline
diego 551 930 Royal Cappellen™ offline
Jeuderson ruan da silva 13 195 Buciste offline
kasia123 503 400 Red Bull Spartak Varna. offline
koocoo2309 19 405 Zbrašín offline 4 160 Chateau-d'Oex offline
Lukulín 32 750 Veľký Biel offline
millos76 1 127 972 FC Omonia Nikózia offline
Pavol1982 27 195 Liptovská Osada offline 4 330 Śmigiel offline
pupino77 1 152 446 Johannesburg offline
S.F.C. 1 150 777 SFC All Stars Coro online
Sheakesbeer 16 420 Laneros offline
Ször Alex 743 690 FC Liégeois 1892 offline
Tasiorek 8 220 Bastogne offline