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Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Moses Mabhida Stadium   |    Státie (- €) 9729   |    Sedenie (- €) 8231   |    Tribúna (- €) 7178   |    VIP (- €)

90` Referee's whistle and the match is over.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 52 %.
89` Team 1.FC Východná is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` The team 1.FC Východná is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Ball possession / individual breakaways ` will improve its game.
87` 1.FC Východná takes a direct kick. Perusko places the ball. Věroslav Družba indicates a kick, but in the end Perusko plays the free kick. The shot from around 25 yards stretches the net of the goal. Goal.
85` A swift counterattack of team A.C. Ancona. There are attempts to form the defence, yet Luis Suárez penetrates the penalty area and sweeps the ball into the corner of the goal. Goal. Durango Mendonça may now only give his team-mates reproachful looks.
82` A.C. Ancona has decidied to change the kick off/ offensive. `Pressing` is playing.
81` Hosts are preparing a free kick from a 44-yard distance. The players stand in the penalty area. In the air, Suárez jabbed a defending player and Mizumaki Hisao falls to the ground. Luis Suárez heads in the goal. The referee points to the middle of the pitch, the goal is valid. Home team deserve the lead
77` 1.FC Východná has decidied to change the kick off/ offensive. `Counter-attacks` is playing.
75` The team A.C. Ancona is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Long passes` will improve its game.
64` A pointless foul in the middle of the field the referee rewards with a yellow card. Vjeceslav Sisevic shoul watch out and keep his eyes on the ball.
64` Player Tamas Priskin sends a power shot from an acute angle, leaving the goalkeeper with no chance. GOAL.
46` Theodosis Šlemr takes a direct kick from 25 yards, the A.C. Ancona defensive wall stops the ball after Amiel Osbourne heads it down.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 64 %.
45` Half-time
44` Defending Věroslav Družba deflects the opponent's shot, the ball zooms miles over the goal of team 1.FC Východná.
42` Aspanuch Tsvetanov runs up onto the field.
42` The struggle for the ball with the goalkeeper in the goal area has not turned out well. The substitue bench gets a signal, Lisandro Kaastrupp will be replaced.
42` A series of goods passes in the midfield. A.C. Ancona appears in front of the penalty area, Vilfried Gadacz takes a technical, the ball bounces right in front of the keeper, yet Durango Mendonça kicks the ball off as he falls.
25` Amiel Osbourne can be lucky he got just a yellow for his intentional stamp on the opponent's foot.
25` Ashley Cole sends a cross into the penalty area, the ball finds a forward, Rufio Donkel scores with a ruthless shot.
5` A fierce shot of team 1.FC Východná. Ashley Cole changes the shot direction, vigilant ANDRZEJ JUSKOWIAK grasps the ball.
4` Players as , Jankaj, Perusko, Pedro, Družba , today will not be able to use their special skills due to the weather.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Mendonça - Hisao,Linck,Košičan ,Kaastrupp - Jankaj,Sisevic,Šlemr ,Družba - Perusko,Dieter.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 5-4-1 with the players' setup: JUSKOWIAK - Miloglav,Cole,Lennert,Evra,Osbourne - Priskin,Donkel ,Gadacz ,Pedro - Suárez.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` There's an absolute downpour here over the stadium, the turf is soaking wet.