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14` ---
44` ---
FC Vogošća
FC Vogošća
TJ Sokol Lysica
TJ Sokol Lysica
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
FC Vogošća   |    Státie (- €) 10756   |    Sedenie (- €) 8057   |    Tribúna (- €) 5374   |    VIP (- €)

90` The referee raises his hands, shows players to their locker rooms and ends the game by blowing his whistle.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 58 %.
88` Benedetto Benedetto executed a nasty foul from behind, for which the referee immediately gives him a yellow card.
80` After a slow passing sequence, a vertical pass ends in front of the goal of team FSC Lion Anahui. Prudenzio De falco tries to make for the ball, however Leandro Steigleder boots a clearance.
75` A loss of the ball in the midfield, FSC Lion Anahui outnumbers HŠK Zrinjski Mostar in no time. Marín Agarena opts out for a pass to a well-covered team-mate, Kajetan Siwacki had no problem to tackle him.
65` Dragomir Djurovic gets a yellow card. It has been the third small foul in a narrow time frame.
64` Rosario Dockhorn ruthlessly fouls attacking/prenikajúceho opponent and is rewarded by a red card.
62` Player Anastacio Halbig played way too rough and gets a yellow card.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 58 %.
45` Half-time
44` HŠK Zrinjski Mostar takes a direct kick. Roelofse places the ball. Dragomir Djurovic indicates a kick, but in the end Roelofse plays the free kick. The shot from around 25 yards stretches the net of the goal. Goal.
42` Dragomir Djurovic has set off on an offensive trip when he seized on the ball after a power shot of team FSC Lion Anahui which Tolig Coopman knocked off right in front of him. After a while, he loses the possesion of the ball in the middle of the pitch.
20` Rosario Dockhorn outruns the defenders FSC Lion Anahui, crosses the ball to the right, yet it ends out of play.
14` A trip on the border of the penalty area. To everyone's surprise, the referee indicates a penalty kick. Hosts will take a penalty kick. Siwacki is placing the ball and scores.
12` A brilliant direct kick of team FSC Lion Anahui, keeper Tolig Coopman stood on the right spot and knocks the ball away.
5` A brilliant direct kick of team FSC Lion Anahui, keeper Tolig Coopman stood on the right spot and knocks the ball away.
3` A fierce shot of team HŠK Zrinjski Mostar. Ksenofont Minster changes the shot direction, vigilant Lino Amici grasps the ball.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Amici - Sedlák,Halbig,Minster ,Steigleder - Abreu,Nicolini,Barbour,Reichardt,Mause - Agarena.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Coopman - Di fabio speziale,Blondel,Djurovic,Sudac - Dockhorn,Siwacki ,Roelofse ,Benedetto,Solcanski - De falco.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's a bit gloomy, nevertheless we hope the wind is going to disperse all those clouds before the match begins.