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FK Slovan Kukučínov
FK Slovan Kukučínov
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Kukučínovské pole   |    Státie (- €) 5387   |    Sedenie (- €) 3602   |    Tribúna (- €) 2157   |    VIP (- €)

90` The referee raises his hands, shows players to their locker rooms and ends the game by blowing his whistle.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 72 %.
89` Paul OBIEFULE takes a direct kick from 25 yards, the Hodruša Hámre MINERS defensive wall stops the ball after Toro Ferreira heads it down.
89` Team LYN OSLO is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` the preferred passes for the team LYN OSLO are after the instructions from coach `Short passes.
89` LYN OSLO has changed the offensive. It is playing `Normal tactics`.
74` Ignác Jasenák fouls a moving player and sees a red card.
72` Paul OBIEFULE tries to head the ball down towards the team-mate in the Hodruša Hámre MINERS penalty box, we see the ball out of play instead.
70` Haubner completely ran out of energy. He will hardly come up with some action in today's match.
65` Gabriel Ybarra attacks the defence of LYN OSLO, he sends the taken ball straight into the gloves of keeper Mateusz Ban~ski .
60` Player BUD BUDDEN gets a yellow card for pulling a jersey.
52` Player Skistad shows himself in the best light. His today's performance reflects he is in outstanding shape.
52` Paul OBIEFULE tests the attention of the goalie with the shot on the ground from outside the penalty area, yet attentive Baudilio Minjares saves the ball.
46` Gabriel Ybarra tries to head the ball down towards the team-mate in the LYN OSLO penalty box, we see the ball out of play instead.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 84 %.
45` Half-time
42` Hosts's throw in followed by a quick chain of passes. The ball is in the possession of Edgar CASTILLO who sends a subtle cross-shot towards the far post. BUD BUDDEN jumps in the air and scores a goal.
41` A cross, 4 players of LYN OSLO stand in the penalty box, defending Toro Ferreira tries to kick the ball but he misses it and it ends up in the keeper's gloves.
37` Paul OBIEFULE's cross seeks the teammate in the penalty box. Yet, the cross went way too far, so goalie Baudilio Minjares gave the opponents a smile.
30` A pass on the ground seeks the attackers of team LYN OSLO but it lacks accurateness, so the ball is secured by the keeper's arms. Baudilio Minjares's hand signals a kick.
26` A trip on the border of the penalty area. To everyone's surprise, the referee indicates a penalty kick. Hosts will take a penalty kick. BUDDEN is placing the ball and scores.
25` Paul OBIEFULE turns out to be in the penalty area after an individual action, the defender of Hodruša Hámre MINERS jostles Paul OBIEFULE who falls. Luckily, Kelvin Haubner isn't booked and the referee resumes the game.
23` A pointless foul in the middle of the field the referee rewards with a yellow card. Bendik Skistad shoul watch out and keep his eyes on the ball.
16` The corner kick of Hosts is taken by Woodward. Kelvin Haubner tries to get the ground cross away from the penalty box. The ball is, however, captured by agile Paul OBIEFULE who scores a goal from 6 yards right past the keeper.
16` Players as , Buček, today will not be able to use their special skills due to the weather.
15` The corner kick of Visitors is taken by Buček. Efraín JUÁREZ tries to get the ground cross away from the penalty box. The ball is, however, captured by agile Ignác Jasenák who scores a goal from 6 yards right past the keeper.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Minjares - Kraščenič,Ferreira,Ybarra,Haubner - Chvátil ,Elšík ,Jasenák,Buček - Pobiecky,Strapec .
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Ban~ski - Skistad,CASTILLO,JUÁREZ,Woodward - Gill,ANDRES,KNUDTZON,Sandro,BUDDEN - OBIEFULE.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` There's an absolute downpour here over the stadium, the turf is soaking wet.