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Monagas SC
Monagas SC
Spartak Ljubljana
Spartak Ljubljana
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Monumental de Mat   |    Státie (- €) 6841   |    Sedenie (- €) 4898   |    Tribúna (- €) 3929   |    VIP (- €)

90` The referee raises his hands, shows players to their locker rooms and ends the game by blowing his whistle.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 68 %.
89` Medard Virak takes advantage of a mess in the defence of team Alianza Lima, but the following shot flies well wide of the goal.
89` instructions from the bench and SK Austria Klagenfurt is changing the style. At the present state it will be better if the players play `Normal`.
87` Cristiano Scipioni makes a foul outside the penalty area. It seems the ball from the 33-yard distance will be kicked by Valentin Gassen. Surprisingly for team Alianza Lima the free kick is taken by Fernando Wehner and it turns out to be a beautiful goal where the ball is netted in the goal near the left post.
73` A long run down the wing, Niklas Schneider looks for the teammates in front of the goalkeeper. The pass is directed at the teammates' heels.
71` Gerardo Glesse rewards the attack by team SK Austria Klagenfurt with a sneer. It seems that Medard Virak got frightened of the chance, the shot on the goal ends up going out of play.
67` Defending Zeus Liberti deflects the opponent's shot, the ball zooms miles over the goal of team SK Austria Klagenfurt.
66` A lovely cross into the penalty area finds the head of Thiago Behncke, he heads the ball into the goal. The goalkeeper barely had a chance.
64` A brilliant direct kick of team SK Austria Klagenfurt, keeper Gerardo Glesse stood on the right spot and knocks the ball away.
52` Medard Virak attacks the defence of Alianza Lima, he sends the taken ball straight into the gloves of keeper Gerardo Glesse.
47` SK Austria Klagenfurt takes a free kick. But the trained ploy against team Alianza Lima was too predictable and didn't come off.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 68 %.
45` Half-time
43` SK Austria Klagenfurt plays a cross, the ball curls towards the near post, Medard Virak heads it further and Gerardo Glesse saves it.
33` A fierce shot of team Alianza Lima. Zeus Liberti changes the shot direction, vigilant Gáspár Wolszky grasps the ball.
32` The collision of heads, Cristiano Scipioni and Medard Virak lie on the ground, on comes the doctor. It seems that it is nothing serious and both players will go on in the game.
30` Player Zacarias Ducker gets a yellow card for pulling a jersey.
30` Scuffle on the field. The referee calls over the offender and Eduard Hečko gets a yellow card.
27` The club of SK Austria Klagenfurt kick a corner, the ball gets no further than to the defender, Cristiano Scipioni clears it.
26` A faulty pass of Gerardo Glesse. The adressee of the pass was to be Barlaan Gutierrez, yet attentive Hannes Sprinckhorn changes the direction of the ball towards the goal. He passes by the falling keeper of Alianza Lima and scores.
24` A cross, 4 players of SK Austria Klagenfurt stand in the penalty box, defending Barlaan Gutierrez tries to kick the ball but he misses it and it ends up in the keeper's gloves.
23` Zeus Liberti takes a corner kick, the ball heads towards the further post, Gerardo Glesse couldn't reach it and Emmanuel Adebayor scores a headed goal into the empty net.
20` Fernando Wehner catches an inaccurate pass of the defenders, he rushes alone towards the goalie, jinks past him and places the ball into the empty goal.
18` An interesting action, SK Austria Klagenfurt with a slow sequence of passes seem to have put the whole Alianza Lima defence into a sleepy trance. Medard Virak rushed towards a swift pass beyond the defensive centre-half and fires out straight in the chest of the keeper. Gerardo Glesse puts slowly to his feet with a painful grimace.
12` Ambrosio Ribeiro asks for the ball in front of the goalie, the cross from the left missed him, though.
7` A break through the midfield, Waldemar Grob looks around and finishes with a shot towards the right post. Visitors Gerardo Glesse stands spell-bound on the goal line and cannot take in how the shot has got behind his back.
6` After a slow passing sequence, a vertical pass ends in front of the goal of team SK Austria Klagenfurt. Ambrosio Ribeiro tries to make for the ball, however Eduard Hečko boots a clearance.
5` The wing attack is finished by Hosts Hannes Sprinckhorn via a technical shot which is completely out of the goalie's reach. Goooaaal.
4` A good combination of team SK Austria Klagenfurt. Emmanuel Adebayor gets a hold of the ball in the penalty area and strikes towards the goalmouth, Gerardo Glesse tries to reach the ball but he is too short and the ball ends up in the net.
2` SK Austria Klagenfurt carries out a swift counterattack. Being outnumbered by 2 to 1, Waldemar Grob sends a well-timed pass to the right side. Cristiano Scipioni is not fast enough and Fernando Wehner scores a goal under the falling goalie.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Glesse - Scipioni,Ojeda,Gutierrez,Marconi - Vitali,Manfredo,Behncke,Ducker - Schneider,Ribeiro.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Wolszky - Hečko,Tomasselli,Liberti,Bösewil - Adebayor,Wehner,Sprinckhorn,Grob,Gassen - Virak.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's a lovely hot day today. Let's hope the turf will withstand the heat.