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Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Gijón   |    Státie (- €) 8572   |    Sedenie (- €) 6429   |    Tribúna (- €) 6269   |    VIP (- €)

90` The referee raises his hands, shows players to their locker rooms and ends the game by blowing his whistle.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 64 %.
89` Team Gijón is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` Gijón is trying to change the style of the game. It is currently playing `Normal`.
89` the preferred passes for the team Gijón are after the instructions from coach `Short passes.
89` Gijón has changed the offensive. It is playing `Normal tactics`.
82` Alberad Gölling has displayed wonderful ball-work when he sprints to the line of the penalty area past the defenders and scores an unexpected goal by the left-hand post. Home team deserve the lead
77` A fierce shot of team Gijón. Krištof Kňazovický changes the shot direction, vigilant Péter Huiber grasps the ball.
72` Krištof Kňazovický executed a nasty foul from behind, for which the referee immediately gives him a yellow card.
70` Ksenofont Arencewicz has set off on an offensive trip when he seized on the ball after a power shot of team Gijón which Péter Huiber knocked off right in front of him. After a while, he loses the possesion of the ball in the middle of the pitch.
65` Hans Del escapes to the left side, suddenly he stands opposite the goalkeeper and he doesn't think twice. GOOAL.
63` František Košecký should have kept his mouth shut, he gets a yellow card.This has been the second yellow in the match, the player has to leave the field.
63` Ksenofont Arencewicz's cross unintentionally landed in front of his keeper, here Gijón got hold of the ball but the keeper has no troubles saving the shot.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 62 %.
45` Half-time
40` Ksenofont Arencewicz sets off to fight over the ball, Gijón still holds the ball on their boots, František Košecký takes a shot, yet it bounces off the crossbar.
35` Player František Košecký gets a yellow card for pulling a jersey.
29` František Košecký attacks the defence of Balassagyarmat VSE, he sends the taken ball straight into the gloves of keeper Péter Huiber.
28` Gijón takes a direct kick. Del places the ball. Sinforiano Tobias indicates a kick, but in the end Del plays the free kick. The shot from around 25 yards stretches the net of the goal. Goal.
8` A loss of the ball in the midfield, František Košecký gets hold of a quick cross, he lobs the keeper and the ball ends up in the net to the surprise of the defenders.
7` Balassagyarmat VSE penetrates by pass to the penalty area. Keeper Carlo Regus sprints after the ball, however Pavel Kuka gets hold of it earlier and promptly fires a shot towards the goal. Goal.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Huiber - Gewer,Arencewicz,Hammerstein,Pen - Stewart,Kňazovický,Liakos,Giehl - Kuka,Nosz.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Regus - Backhaus,Soller,Castellano,Miljanic - Del,Tobias,Gölling,Gerrard,Vermaas - Košecký.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's a fine pleasant day today. Simply a perfect day to visit a football match.