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TJ Sokol Lysica
TJ Sokol Lysica
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Gijón   |    Státie (- €) 11031   |    Sedenie (- €) 7243   |    Tribúna (- €) 6284   |    VIP (- €)

90` End of the match.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 52 %.
89` Team FC BARCA Veľká Lomnica is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` instructions from the bench and FC BARCA Veľká Lomnica is changing the style. At the present state it will be better if the players play `Normal`.
89` The team FC BARCA Veľká Lomnica is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Short passes` will improve its game.
89` FC BARCA Veľká Lomnica has decidied to change the kick off/ offensive. `Counter-attacks` is playing.
89` Team Gijón is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` Gijón is trying to change the style of the game. It is currently playing `Normal`.
89` The team Gijón is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Short passes` will improve its game.
89` Gijón has decidied to change the kick off/ offensive. `Normal tactics` is playing.
78` A pointless foul in the middle of the field the referee rewards with a yellow card. Bartolome Hansonius shoul watch out and keep his eyes on the ball.
70` Bartolome Hansonius unexpectedy dodged the home defence, penetrates through the midfield and easily strikes a goal that went through the legs of the keeper.
66` Player Nick Moonen played way too rough and gets a yellow card.
60` Team FC BARCA Veľká Lomnica received a chance. Player Bartolome Hansonius got a brilliant pass from the right. Sylvius Baresa timely tried to block the shot, so Carlo Regus had no problem to save the slowed down ball.
53` Mydland took the today's match really seriously. His great motivation reflect in the game as well as in the field performance.
53` Sylvius Baresa runs up onto the field.
53` Player Jelle Kreiger was carried off the pitch. His muscle injury will probably not allow him to play on.
51` To play the whole match for player Drápalík is too big a bite to chew. His running reminds more of a walk. He is at the end of his strength.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 60 %.
45` Half-time
42` Bartolome Hansonius tests the attention of the goalie with the shot on the ground from outside the penalty area, yet attentive Carlo Regus saves the ball.
40` Gijón penetrates by pass to the penalty area. Keeper Iker Casillas sprints after the ball, however Haig Santiago gets hold of it earlier and promptly fires a shot towards the goal. Goal.
37` Haig Santiago should have kept his mouth shut, he gets a yellow card.
35` An attack on the wing, Gerardo Flani gets a cross straight onto the head, yet the header flies wide of the goal.
32` A great pass of the midfielder of Gijón into the penalty box. Gerardo Flani has the ball, shoots but the ball comes back off the woodwork.
24` Out of the blue Bartolome Hansonius receives a clean chance, however Carlo Regus takes advantage of his long procrastination and timely dives into the shot.
20` After a scuffle with the defenders Bartolome Hansonius runs off the pitch, receives some quick medical treatment and the player may join the game again.
12` The Gijón player receives a clean chance with a swift one-two pass from Pelagio Ynojosa. In cold blood, Cayo Yguelescia converts the chance with a shot into the left-hand corner of the goal.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Casillas - Moonen,Trotta,Mydland,Krivitz - Minehiro,Hanselman,Hoffmann,Jurasic,Marroquin - Hansonius .
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Regus - Kolečář ,Venecia,Kreiger,Drápalík - Santiago,Yguelescia,Janeka,Zamora,Ynojosa - Flani.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's a bit gloomy, nevertheless we hope the wind is going to disperse all those clouds before the match begins.