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La Fría
La Fría
K.V.K. Tienen Hageland
K.V.K. Tienen Hageland
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Manager watching. Send message.
La Fría   |    Státie (- €) 7479   |    Sedenie (- €) 6857   |    Tribúna (- €) 6803   |    VIP (- €)

90` End of the match.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the guest team 52 %.
89` Change ot the team's tactics AS Monaco FC™, Normal.
89` AS Monaco FC™ has decidied to change the kick off/ offensive. `Normal tactics` is playing.
84` Player Dag Monstad proves his stamina and scores an exquisite goal from a 22-yard distance.
83` Sam Vokes tests the attention of the goalie with the shot on the ground from outside the penalty area, yet attentive Noe Veeck saves the ball.
68` Player Butijer shows himself in the best light. His today's performance reflects he is in outstanding shape.
65` A vertical pass from the midfield before the penalty box. The right foot of Walker Holt secures the ball, promptly shoots and sweeps the ball into the net. Home are taking the lead
52` The viewers cheer: Fellaini, Fellaini! Today, the player's performance holds the team together.
50` The team AS Monaco FC™ is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Long passes` will improve its game.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour for the guest team 64 %.
45` Half-time
44` Izek Cobos gets a yellow card. It has been the third small foul in a narrow time frame.
41` Konrad Erichsen finishes the battle with excessive aggression and sees the yellow card.
35` A series of goods passes in the midfield. AS Monaco FC™ appears in front of the penalty area, Walker Holt takes a technical, the ball bounces right in front of the keeper, yet Felipe Moreiradecarvalho kicks the ball off as he falls.
23` The club of Vöcklabruck takes a corner kick, Noe Veeck jumps for the ball and catches it.
22` Bialy Lea runs up onto the field.
22` G1916(L) GO(L)O limping for quite a while already singals the coach a need for substitution, so he is replaced. We hope it it is nothing serious.
15` Sam Vokes takes advantage of a mess in the defence of team AS Monaco FC™, but the following shot flies well wide of the goal.
14` Vöcklabruck carries out a swift counterattack. Being outnumbered by 2 to 1, Karol Gamrot sends a well-timed pass to the right side. Tibor Fabián is not fast enough and Izek Cobos scores a goal under the falling goalie.
12` Walker Holt tests the attention of the goalie with the shot on the ground from outside the penalty area, yet attentive Felipe Moreiradecarvalho saves the ball.
9` A cross into the penalty area behind the opposing defence, Walker Holt luckily reached the ball with a slide tackle and rolled it in behind the goalkeeper's back.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-5-1 with the players' setup: Moreiradecarvalho - Aimanowicz,Brust,Gamrot ,Erichsen - Butijer,Cobos,Vokes,Monstad,Knight - Pšenák .
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-2-2-1-1 with the players' setup: Veeck - Kemal,Fabián,GO(L)O,Tokař - Eberling,Cohen,Fellaini,Prange,Řoutil - Holt.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's hot today but the heavy humid air indicates an imminent storm.