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General Salgado
General Salgado
FC Krompachy
FC Krompachy
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Cortina   |    Státie (- €) 18541   |    Sedenie (- €) 15720   |    Tribúna (- €) 15918   |    VIP (- €)

90` A brisk whistle from the referee ends the game.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 64 %.
89` Ambo Münchberg is trying to change the style of the game. It is currently playing `Relaxed`.
71` Team FC Krompachy plays the passing, Bartolome Engers brings the opposing player down to the turf by pulling his journey. Bartolome Engers fires and his strike goes just wide of goal. The referee should definitely have whistled a foul.
66` Thilo Cramer asks for the ball in front of the goalie, the cross from the left missed him, though.
60` FC Krompachy has changed the offensive. It is playing `Counter-attacks`.
55` A fierce shot of team Ambo Münchberg . Marek Lichner changes the shot direction, vigilant Martin Dubravka grasps the ball.
48` Bartolome Engers gets a possession of a slow pass, he whizzes alone towards the keeper and scores with a lob into the empty net.
47` Leopold Frátrik runs up onto the field.
47` Player Eden Hazard was carried off the pitch. His muscle injury will probably not allow him to play on.
47` Player Marek Lichner gets a yellow card for pulling a jersey.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 52 %.
45` Half-time
32` Bonifac Brigel tricks his way through the defence, Vavrinec Frenchik catches up with him, although the distance is still several yards. Keeper Jinan Haight flashed towards the ball to reduce the shooting angle. Bonifac Brigel directs the ball through the keeper's legs but he hits it out of play.
24` Bartolome Engers finishes the technical bravery via a sharp shot under the crossbar behind the goalie's back. This goal increases the lead by 2 goals, all the worries of the hosts vanish at this point.
20` Team Ambo Münchberg seems to have forgotten about the back door and offers a chance to the opponent. Juraj Kandrak sends a hard shot which comes back off a post.
19` Thilo Cramer outruns the defenders FC Krompachy, crosses the ball to the right, yet it ends out of play.
15` A dangerous situation in front of the goalie of Ambo Münchberg , Vavrinec Frenchik clears the ball out of danger.
13` Bonifac Brigel tests the attention of the goalie with the shot on the ground from outside the penalty area, yet attentive Jinan Haight saves the ball.
7` Hosts are preparing a free kick from a 44-yard distance. The players stand in the penalty area. In the air, Engers jabbed a defending player and Marek Lichner falls to the ground. Bartolome Engers heads in the goal. The referee points to the middle of the pitch, the goal is valid. A really rapid start of the home team.
4` A dangerous situation in front of the goalie of FC Krompachy, Marek Lichner clears the ball out of danger.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Dubravka - Lichner,Michaleje,Luksič,Socha - Kandrak,Wright,Duda,Brigel - Glavinja,Garcia.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-2-2-1-1 with the players' setup: Haight - Djuho,Axelrud,Frenchik,Van der poll - Poos,Hazard,Streat,Cramer,Hejza - Engers.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` There are some clouds above the stadium, let's hope it's not going to rain today.