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FC Krompachy
FC Krompachy
1.EL Fantastico TARNÓW
1.EL Fantastico TARNÓW
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Krompachy   |    Státie (- €) 4794   |    Sedenie (- €) 2789   |    Tribúna (- €) 1410   |    VIP (- €)

90` A brisk whistle from the referee ends the game.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the guest team 62 %.
89` Team 1.EL Fantastico TARNÓW is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` The team 1.EL Fantastico TARNÓW is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Short passes` will improve its game.
89` 1.EL Fantastico TARNÓW has decidied to change the kick off/ offensive. `Normal tactics` is playing.
89` Movement on the field. 1.EL Fantastico TARNÓW is changing the setup, the players are constantly re-grouping and it is clear that it will be `4-5-1`.
80` Abel Reimowicz should have kept his mouth shut, he gets a yellow card.
79` Sylwiusz Utarewicz doesn't even follow the ball, he attacks the opposing player's unprotected places. The move indeed deserved the yellow card.
74` The cross of FC Krompachy arrows to the opponent's 6-yard box, Abel Reimowicz lightly pushes the opponent and Ondrej Kertis doesn't seize the ball.
70` Player Mieszko Kiesler sends a power shot from an acute angle, leaving the goalkeeper with no chance. GOAL.
68` Victorio Lüderitz attacks the defence of FC Krompachy, he sends the taken ball straight into the gloves of keeper Martin Dubravka.
65` FC Krompachy put in a short cross. Defending Abel Reimowicz reacts timely and with a slide tackle clears the ball away from the keeper Achilles Obregon to safety.
62` Radowit Majorszky unexpectedy dodged the defence, penetrates through the midfield and easily strikes a goal that went through the legs of the keeper.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour for the guest team 72 %.
45` Half-time
38` Anastazy Utarewicz runs alone towards the keeper, Keeper Martin Dubravka of FC Krompachy didn't let himself be fooled and saves the ball after a messed-up dribbling action.
30` A cross into the penalty area behind the opposing defence, Anastazy Utarewicz luckily reached the ball with a slide tackle and rolled it in behind the goalkeeper's back.
5` Players as , Podmanický, Tamez, today will not be able to use their special skills due to the weather.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-1-2-1-2 with the players' setup: Obregon - Reimowicz,Hantower ,Reimowicz,Amarewicz - Mader,Utarewicz,Kiesler ,Majorszky - Lüderitz,Utarewicz.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-1-2-2-1 with the players' setup: Dubravka - Vorobeľ ,Skriniar,Podmanický,Trcka - Kertis,Van de merwe ,Kutcik,Rakyta,Tamez - Stakula.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's partly sunny today yet there might be a couple of showers later.