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Valur Reykjavík
Valur Reykjavík
1.FC Werder Bremen
1.FC Werder Bremen
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Valur Reykjavík   |    Státie (- €) 9094   |    Sedenie (- €) 11181   |    Tribúna (- €) 8578   |    VIP (- €)

90` End of the match.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 62 %.
90` A fierce shot of team 1.FC Werder Bremen . Karsten Broch changes the shot direction, vigilant Dan Myrseth grasps the ball.
89` Team 1.FC Werder Bremen is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is The F and M back the defence .
89` The team 1.FC Werder Bremen is changing the preferred passes, believes that `Ball possession / individual breakaways ` will improve its game.
89` 1.FC Werder Bremen has changed the offensive. It is playing `Pressing`.
79` The club of Valur Reykjavík kick a corner, the ball gets no further than to the defender, Matthijs Maack clears it.
78` After a beautiful action Valur Reykjavík scores a goal, when Eden Hazard stretches the net with an unsaveable blast.
77` Baylor Betty fouls a moving player and sees a red card.
75` A pass was made into the defensive area of Valur Reykjavík, Incencio Sirotsky stands in offside unfortunately for his team.
69` Belen Churchill ruthlessly fouls attacking/prenikajúceho opponent and is rewarded by a red card.
66` Valur Reykjavík somehow can't make it to the penalty area. Perhaps out of despair, Karsten Broch sends a hard shot to the goal from 33 yards. Unfortunately for the goalkeeper, the full-back Davin Bramblett changes the shots direction and the ball nests in the goal Home team deserve the lead
60` A great combination of team Valur Reykjavík outside the penalty area. Gjermund Gloppen gets to strike, yet the ball flies just inches over the goal.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 60 %.
45` Half-time
44` Eden Hazard's cross seeks the teammate in the penalty box. Yet, the cross went way too far, so goalie Krister Tompson gave the opponents a smile.
43` Baylor Betty's cross seeks the teammate in the penalty box. Yet, the cross went way too far, so goalie Dan Myrseth gave the opponents a smile.
32` Team 1.FC Werder Bremen seems to have forgotten about the back door and offers a chance to the opponent. Eden Hazard sends a hard shot which comes back off a post.
27` Gjermund Gloppen tricks his way through the defence, Matthijs Maack catches up with him, although the distance is still several yards. Keeper Krister Tompson flashed towards the ball to reduce the shooting angle. Gjermund Gloppen directs the ball through the keeper's legs but he hits it out of play.
18` Player Karsten Broch sends a power shot from an acute angle, leaving the goalkeeper with no chance. GOAL. This goal increases the lead by 2 goals, all the worries of the hosts vanish at this point.
13` The wing attack is finished by Hosts Karsten Broch via a technical shot which is completely out of the goalie's reach. Goooaaal.
12` Jonas Lauvĺs runs up onto the field.
12` Marco Hals falls to the turf after a long sprint, he most probably got a cramp. The player must be susbtitued.
8` Players as , Mayzner , today will not be able to use their special skills due to the weather.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-2-3-1 with the players' setup: Tompson - Churchill,Elsbury,Maack,Mayzner - Von korff,Sirotsky,Bramblett,Di giacomandrea,Rothfeld - Betty.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-2-2-1-1 with the players' setup: Myrseth - Hals,Sagmo,Kvello,Monstad - Hazard,Flĺten,Presthus,Gloppen,Broch - Bergo.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's partly sunny today yet there might be a couple of showers later.