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FC Liégeois 1892
FC Liégeois 1892
KS.Cisowa Królowa
KS.Cisowa Królowa
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
de Rocourt   |    Státie (- €) 16939   |    Sedenie (- €) 11746   |    Tribúna (- €) 8532   |    VIP (- €)

90` The referee has ended the match.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 64 %.
89` Change ot the team's tactics FC Liégeois 1892, The M back the defence.
89` FC Liégeois 1892 is trying to change the style of the game. It is currently playing `Hard`.
89` Movement on the field. FC Liégeois 1892 is changing the setup, the players are constantly re-grouping and it is clear that it will be `4-4-2`.
88` Ónody András Szentmártonyi runs alone towards the keeper, Keeper Björn Bennighausen of Ks.Cisowa K Kożle didn't let himself be fooled and saves the ball after a messed-up dribbling action.
84` Demetrius Apostolos of team FC Liégeois 1892 can't keep up with the opponent's dribbling style. Harry Kane gets to the shot but, unfortunately, the ball lays on the top of the goal netting.
82` Danior Bangard tries to shoot towards the goal of Ks.Cisowa K Kożle with a bicycle kick Ks.Cisowa K Kożle. A mishit shot gets to Aldhelm Achtziger who doesn't wait and takes a precise shot towards the post leaving Björn Bennighausen with no chance. Goal.
80` After a clash outside of the penalty box, Harry Kane captures the ball, but the mishit shot is directed straight into the arms of keeper Gábor Zsiborás.
79` Diving is unacceptable on the turf, the referee rightly shows a yellow card. Pelegrino Flores should definitely reconsider his behaviour for next time.
79` FC Liégeois 1892 carries out a swift counterattack. Being outnumbered by 2 to 1, Aldhelm Achtziger sends a well-timed pass to the right side. Hubert Jaroszewicz is not fast enough and Helmut Schwartz scores a goal under the falling goalie.
63` Hĺkon Wathne was tripped on the line of the penalty box. Hosts Schwartz is placing the ball. His technical shot to the right post doesn't give the goalie Björn Bennighausen any chance.
58` Today Jaroszewicz shines on the field. His form has escalated well in the today's match.
56` Patya Nevolin from team Ks.Cisowa K Kożle fails to kick off properly, the ball gets to Dömötör Pissenberger and right between the goalie's legs the ball finds its way into the goal.
55` A cross, 4 players of FC Liégeois 1892 stand in the penalty box, defending Patya Nevolin tries to kick the ball but he misses it and it ends up in the keeper's gloves.
50` For verbal abuse Hĺkon Wathne gets a yellow card.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 60 %.
45` Half-time
38` A lovely cross into the penalty area finds the head of Dömötör Pissenberger, he heads the ball into the goal. The goalkeeper barely had a chance.
36` A brilliant direct kick of team FC Liégeois 1892, keeper Björn Bennighausen stood on the right spot and knocks the ball away.
29` After a slow passing sequence, a vertical pass ends in front of the goal of team FC Liégeois 1892. Harry Kane tries to make for the ball, however Demetrius Apostolos boots a clearance.
19` Keeper Gábor Zsiborás hurries to catch the cross from the wing which landed in the box. He manages to save it.
11` FC Liégeois 1892 takes a short corner, Aldhelm Achtziger shoots from an acute angle and beats the keeper of Ks.Cisowa K Kożle with a well-placed shot into the goalmouth.
3` Out of the blue Helmut Schwartz receives a clean chance, however Björn Bennighausen takes advantage of his long procrastination and timely dives into the shot.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-3-2-1 with the players' setup: Bennighausen - Kaloxylos,Jaroszewicz ,Nevolin,Bontemps - Stone,Pogba,Frühling,Nadramija,Flores - Harry Kane.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-1-2-2-1 with the players' setup: Zsiborás - Apostolos,Bangard,Wathne,Lakos - Szentmártonyi,Ararewicz,Berezovsky,Schwartz,Achtziger - Pissenberger.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's a lovely hot day today. Let's hope the turf will withstand the heat.