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Fk Lozorno
Fk Lozorno
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Lozorno   |    Státie (- €) 11723   |    Sedenie (- €) 7284   |    Tribúna (- €) 3724   |    VIP (- €)

90` End of the match.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the guest team 60 %.
88` A pointless foul in the middle of the field the referee rewards with a yellow card. Florian Pongratz shoul watch out and keep his eyes on the ball.
86` A swift combination, BORUTA Zgierz gets a chance, Herman Sawicki fires wide of the target.
76` Eliáš Tóth executed a nasty foul from behind, for which the referee immediately gives him a yellow card.
76` An attack on the wing, Sámuel Goldblad gets a cross straight onto the head, yet the header flies wide of the goal.
71` Goran Latkovic takes a direct kick from 25 yards, the Fk Sarajevo defensive wall stops the ball after Ľubomír Szígyártó heads it down.
70` On the field, Szígyártó is on his last legs. Replacing him wouldn't be a bad idea.
67` Tatai molnár struggles for every ball today. With all his soul, he finishes yet another fight.
63` Pravoslav Valach runs up onto the field.
63` Matej Lambrecht bleeds from the head and leaves the pitch. It is probably an injury following one of the head clashes.
59` Goran Latkovic easily weaved through the defence, when Ľubomír Szígyártó couldn't obviously catch up, yet the pass didn't find a striker in the penalty area.
57` Player Pravoslav Jaroš is stopped in the counterattack at the expense of a foul, the referee signals a penalty kick. Lavrans Nakken kicks a low strike to the left, goalkeeper Ermete Gallo fails to react and the ball hits into the net.
46` Team BORUTA Zgierz is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is The F and M back the defence .
46` instructions from the bench and BORUTA Zgierz is changing the style. At the present state it will be better if the players play `Extreme`.
46` BORUTA Zgierz has changed the offensive. It is playing `Normal tactics`.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour for the guest team 78 %.
45` Half-time
31` the preferred passes for the team BORUTA Zgierz are after the instructions from coach `Ball possession / individual breakaways .
17` Sámuel Goldblad gets to the charged down shot and drives it to the goalkeeper Goran Latkovic. He shoots with his weaker leg, yet he scores.
11` Player Richi Bartz proves his stamina and scores an exquisite goal from a 22-yard distance.
5` A miserable situation. Ľubomír Szígyártó clears the ball from the defensive area, yet it hits a team-mate and eventually rolls into the net. Herman Sawicki is rightfully rejoicing, as the goal will be credited to his number.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Gallo - Pongratz,Nour ,Porunel ,Zakrzewski - Latkovic,Bartz,Goldblad,Tatai molnár - Sawicki ,Ndrejowicz.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-4-2 with the players' setup: Podmanický - Nakken,Lambrecht,Dzurko ,Jaroš - Bernát,Tóth ,Szígyártó,Bobok - Lombard,Spišák.
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` It's nice and warm outside. The turf is top-notch. We are looking forward to the players performance.