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65` Posmanter
75` Posmanter
7` Dragus
20` Rück
Jeziorak Iława
Jeziorak Iława
Monagas SC
Monagas SC
Manager watching. Send message.
Manager watching. Send message.
Miejski    |    Státie (- €) 2504   |    Sedenie (- €) 1929   |    Tribúna (- €) 1166   |    VIP (- €)

90` 90 minutes are over and the referee ends the game.
90` Ball possession in the second half-time is in favour of the host team 68 %.
89` Team Jeziorak Iława is changing the tactics on the field, the current one is Normal.
89` the preferred passes for the team Jeziorak Iława are after the instructions from coach `Short passes.
89` Jeziorak Iława has changed the offensive. It is playing `Normal tactics`.
84` Team Jeziorak Iława has displayed an amazing cross. The ball flies in the air. Chrystian Posmanter tries to head it home, yet the ball bounces off the crossbar.
75` A vertical pass from the midfield before the penalty box. The right foot of Chrystian Posmanter secures the ball, promptly shoots and sweeps the ball into the net. Levelled score. As if the home players heard the voices from the terraces.
70` Lazarus Bädje finishes the battle with excessive aggression and sees the yellow card.
67` Lazarus Bädje has set off on an offensive trip when he seized on the ball after a power shot of team Jeziorak Iława which Damon Nicholas knocked off right in front of him. After a while, he loses the possesion of the ball in the middle of the pitch.
66` Movement on the field. Jeziorak Iława is changing the setup, the players are constantly re-grouping and it is clear that it will be `4-4-2`.
65` A swift counterattack of team Jeziorak Iława. There are attempts to form the defence, yet Chrystian Posmanter penetrates the penalty area and sweeps the ball into the corner of the goal. Goal. Damon Nicholas may now only give his team-mates reproachful looks.
46` A series of goods passes in the midfield. Jeziorak Iława appears in front of the penalty area, Edward Taych takes a technical, the ball bounces right in front of the keeper, yet Damon Nicholas kicks the ball off as he falls.
45` Ball possession in the first half-time is in favour of the host team 54 %.
45` Half-time
38` Germain Boven gets a yellow card. It has been the third small foul in a narrow time frame.
36` Ante Bert sets off to fight over the ball, Jeziorak Iława still holds the ball on their boots, Edward Taych takes a shot, yet it bounces off the crossbar.
26` Frank Schlombohm runs up onto the field.
26` The struggle for the ball with the goalkeeper in the goal area has not turned out well. The substitue bench gets a signal, Lothar Kilmeyer will be replaced.
21` instructions from the bench and Monagas SC is changing the style. At the present state it will be better if the players play `Extreme`.
20` Patrik Rück seizes the slow short pass back to the goalkeeper and with a light tap he scores a goal. Shame on the Jędrzych Mazierz .
8` Players as , Wirth, today will not be able to use their special skills due to the weather.
7` Germain Boven sends a cross into the penalty area, the ball finds a forward, Asmir Dragus scores with a ruthless shot.
-2` The guests decided to play in the formation 4-1-4-1 with the players' setup: Nicholas - Beermann,Bädje,Pepe,Bert - Wöltje,Dragus,Boven,Rück ,Kilmeyer - Wirth.
-3` The hosts decided to play in the formation 4-1-2-2-1 with the players' setup: Arenicz - Barniszke ,Szpierot ,Iwowarewicz,Konigsztajn - Mazierz ,Ikalewicz ,Posmanter ,Ararewicz,Liberko - Taych .
-4` Both the host and guest team have already handed in their player lists to the commentators.
-5` There's an absolute downpour here over the stadium, the turf is soaking wet.